Monday, November 19, 2018

Movies in Review: "A Private War"

This movie was an unexpected surprise for me. I had really no intentions of seeing it, as I had never seen the trailer, only posters for the film pasted on the side of the bus. I think I also saw a commercial for it, where it was said critics were raving about it. Although it did star Rosamund Pike, whose work I appreciate, there were far too many other films that were released this weekend that I wanted to see more. However, with some confusion on my own part about the end time of one film and the start time to roll into my next film, there was about a 30min lapse, and I wasn't about to go into a movie missing the first 30min. However, as I was making my way to the door I walked past the theater where this film was just starting, and I decided to slide right in. Although I had little interest in seeing this film, I had far less interest in just seeing one movie for these ticket prices. A 2 for 1 deal or more is always better...ijs. Besides, I had the time...

I didn't think the start of the movie was that great and wondered why critics were giving it such high regard. It started out a bit slow, and choppy. However, things did pick up and the film felt like the mental turmoil the subject of the film (played by Rosamund Pike) was going through. As this is based on a true story, I definitely had a new respect for these reporters who want to get the stories of these civilians of war out there to the world. Putting their struggles over your own life. After seeing this film, it caused me to self-reflect. You will see Pike's character go from seeing people die in war-stricken countries and return home to her "beautiful" life receiving awards for these people's stories. Getting the story, felt more important, at times, then actually helping them...maybe that's just me.

I enjoyed how the mental turmoil the reporter was going through could be felt in the way the movie is filmed. I will give it up for Pike's performance, she was really raw in this role. I don't have any rave reviews for this film, but I did appreciate the story being told...B+

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