Monday, April 23, 2018

Movies in Review: "Super Troopers 2"

I admit sometimes I get my movie choices wrong. This weekend wasn't an exceptional weekend for new releases with I Feel Pretty (the movie I wanted to see the most), Traffik and Super Troopers 2. I knew I was going to see I Feel Pretty and although I could have ended my weekend seeing just this one film seeing another was no additional charge for me, so why not. With Traffik and Super Troopers to choose from, I already from seeing the trailer once Traffik was a no. Even the trailer was horrible. Super Troopers won because when I watched the trailer I laughed and was a little entertained, which was more than what I could say about the Traffik trailer. I don't think I really cared about the movie that much to really form any expectations. I honestly watched it just to fill time ~shrugs.

I know I said I wasn't expecting much, but I left the theater with less than that. I think I should have known better when I walked into the theater and was the only female in there at the time. When I walked in, it felt as if everyone thought I was in the wrong place. As if I interrupted their boys club ~shrug. I admit, I felt a little uncomfortable, but sat down anyway. However, by the end of the film I wished I would have went with my gut and exited the theater. Men like dumb shit. This movie was so lame. Although the cast were grown men, film felt like something only a teenager high on pot would enjoy, but I was in the theater with a bunch of grown ass men who were laughing their asses off...smh. I wanted to find this movie funny, but the comedic antics were too forced. I enjoyed the parts I watched in the trailer, but that's as far as my enjoyment went. I quickly found myself bored and dosing off only to be woken by the hearty laughter of the other male patrons...ugh.

This movie wasn't for me, or any other female in my opinion. I think maybe young girls might like it, but the movie is rated R so...~shrug. I think if you have any taste you would be ok with letting this film pass you by. If you are on drugs you might find this movie a little more entertaining. Either way, I still don't suggest paying for this movie in the theater. If this film is your preference, I recommend enjoying it from the comfort of your home...D-

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