Monday, April 2, 2018

Movies in Review: "Acrimony"

I don't usually mind Tyler Perry's films. Perry usually has a set of fans who hate him or love him, I guess I fall in the group of love. Besides his "Madea" films, I usually enjoy Perry's movies. They usually have a way of feeling a little low budget, but I enjoy the stories. Acrimony had more going for it because of the star power of Taraji P. Henson. I was definitely going to see it because of Henson. I enjoyed the trailer and had to see how this story played out. This was the movie I was looking forward to seeing the most this weekend. I usually get the jump on films compared to my friends, but this was a movie that watched before I had the chance to view it Sunday. All raving about what they saw. I was looking to be thrilled...and I was.

Holy Smokes! The emotion in this movie is on another level. I seriously felt like I was living Taraji's crazy while watching the film. It was easy to get wrapped up in her character. She was on another level with this one. I can say, without Henson, this movie wouldn't have been nearly as decent as it was. It still had that same low budget film feel, and those C-list sub-characters. The storyline, of course, wasn't perfect with plot holes that you come to terms to give a pass on when it comes to Perry films. I love how they always use that same young actress to play the younger version on Taraji in anything that she She is a pretty decent actress, and I look forward to seeing more from her.

The movie had great build-up, with Henson narrating from her therapist session. The way her story played out from her point of view was a thrill in itself. I was an emotional wreck when I left the theater. Unfortunately, with all the great build-up, the film fails almost miserably in the end. That ending was too much and overly dramatic. I wish they would have taken the time to tighten that ending up because it kind of ruined the movie a little for me ~shrugs.

Please believe that Taraji did her thing, and definitely makes this movie worth seeing. I know this seems like a film only for females, but I know a few men that said they also enjoyed it. This movie isn't all that bad...C+ (I probably would have given it a B- if it wasn't for that ending ~shrugs)

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