Monday, October 1, 2012

Movies in Review: "Won't Back Down"

I admit I would probably go see any movie that stars Viola her, but it was Maggie Gyllenhaal's performance in the trailer that had me super interested in this movie. I don't think I can get enough of films based on our educational system. Its just unfortunate that the system is always shown in a negative light.

This movie was held together by great performances from the cast, especially Davis and Gyllenhaal. Gyllenhaal was my overall favorite because she seemed to melt into the character she was playing. A mother's love for her child is a strong bond, and Gyllenhaal played it excellently. The story was well written, but of course always disturbing to digest because you don't want to believe all the bureaucracy that goes into the education system. My only complaint is the length of the film. It seemed like they could have cut out 20min, and gotten to the end quicker.

You are in for a very well written, directed and cast film. It was a bit long for me, but it may not bother you as much, especially because the content of the movie will keep most audience members attention...B+

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