Monday, October 1, 2012

Movies in Review: "Hotel Transylvania"

I am guessing this will be the highest grossing movie coming out of this weekend. I was in the theatre for most of the day Sunday, and all showings for this movie were sold out, and had the theaters packed with excited kids. I have to admit, I was even looking forward to this animated film. It is filled with tons of actors/actresses who I adore providing voice overs for the characters. The trailer also looked fun. So I was ready for the enjoyment.

I wasn't filled with enjoyment, but I did catch a few Zzzzzzzz' This animated film wasn't as interesting as it appeared in the trailer. I haven't snoozed on an animated movie in a while, but this one didn't really capture me. Was it just me, or was this movie too long. I honestly couldn't wait until it ended. I'm sorry if it sounds like this movie was horrible, because it wasn't. But then again, it wasn't that great either. There was a lot going on in the movie, and too many characters. I think I liked Selena Gomez, and Adam Sandler the least, and that's unfortunate because they are the main characters...smh. My favorite characters were Steve Buscemi as the werewolf, and his huge wolf pack. They were very entertaining.

When the credits started rolling, audience members just left. There was no applause, and the excitement from the kids going in, wasn't the same coming out. You could tell that everyone was leaving with an "ok" feel about the movie...C

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