Monday, April 16, 2012

Movies in Review: "Lockout"

I might be the only one, but I honestly wasn't expecting much from this movie. I am usually a fan of Guy Pearce, but from what I saw of his character in the trailers, I wasn't impressed. The only reason I went to see this movie is because there was no way I was going to waste my time see The 3 Stooges. Soooooooo here is what I thought...

Guy Pearce wasn't as bad as I thought his character was in the trailer. I actually liked him, and the bickering between he and Maggie Grace's character made for some comical relief. However, the story and the writing itself was just ok. The movie seemed rushed instead of being built correctly. For example, the prisoners were "frozen", I couldn't understand why it only took opening their cages for them to come back to life, healthy and strong. The prison is located in space, but Guy Pearce's character was able to reach the prison from earth in the same amount of time it will take you to read this review.

Unlike The Cabin in The Woods, this movie did have focus, but unfortunately it failed to build a strong story set around the focus of the movie. Don't get me wrong, the movie wasn't horrible, its nothing to rush and see. My suggestion is that you wait for it and add it to your Netflix queue...C

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