Monday, December 5, 2011

Movies in Review: "My Week with Marilyn"

I know I know, this movie came out 2 weeks ago, so this review is a little late. It's not my fault though, as this movie has a limited release so it was not playing where I happened to be spending my Thanksgiving there :P. Luckily this weekend was a very light weekend for new movie releases. Actually nothing really big dropped, just a few Indies, most of which I had no interest in seeing, except one but you'll have to get my review for that later also...It's the give me a

I was very interested to see this film mainly because I loved the trailer, and how Michelle Williams seemed to exude Marilyn Monroe. The movie poster for this film is also by far my favorite...absolutely gorgeous. The opening scene with Michelle Williams I thought played out a bit stiff, and thought Madonna did a better rendition of Monroe in her video "Material Girl". But as the movie continued, I no longer felt like I was watching Williams, but instead Monroe was kind of eerie. Ms. Monroe had so many issues, which Williams played out perfectly. The insecurities in this woman was down right scary, and so sad.

I thought the story was written well and I loved all the characters especially the actor who played Colin Clark. I have not seen this actor in much, but I thought he was great. Although I thought the whole cast was wonderfully picked and mixed well, my favorite was Judi Dench. Love Ms. Dench to pieces in every film that she is cast.

My week with Marilyn is a good movie. In my opinion, just a tad bit long, and slow in some places. I don't know if I was tired, but I almost fell asleep twice...smh. If you are a fan of Williams, as I have become from this role, you should definitely see her do her thing as Marilyn. You would probably prefer a matinee, as it is nothing exciting, but is filled with great writing, directing, and acting. It's not playing everywhere so some of you may not even get the chance to see it in theatres. If this is the case, I would recommend it for you netflix que...A-

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