Monday, December 12, 2011

Movies in Review: "The Sitter"

Jonah Hill is a The opening scene had me cracking up, and ready for the humor I expected to receive throughout the rest of the movie. Eh...there was humor...but I laughed more when watching the film "New Years Eve".

Jonah Hill is a great comedic actor on his own, but they put him with 3 kids which was supposed to strengthen the comedy aspect, but in my opinion, weighed it down. I thought Blythe was hilarious, the other 2 little boys...not so much. You see Jonah's character go one this extensive night adventure that has them getting into everything. There is enough going on to not have you bored. I just wish I could have laughed more. One of the funniest scenes was in the kids clothing store. This scene involved Jonah and Blythe, that was the highlight of the movie for me.

The rest of the movie just started to get predictable and lame. Then it turns PG-13 with Jonah's character giving advise to the 3 young ones. That just seemed pushed, just as that far fetched relationship at the end of Hill's evening...smh. The humor was just ok in my opinion, but I think some of you may find it more hilarious than I did...C

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