Monday, October 11, 2010

Movies in Review: "Secretariat"

Wow....clapping! All I can say is that I enjoyed everything about this film. Based on a true story about a triple crown winning horse owner, I thought Disney did an amazing job telling the story. I was inspired by Penny Twitty and was behind her throughout the whole film. I just couldn't understand why they had the actress who played her wear ultraviolet blue contacts. I swear I kept thinking she was going to turn into a vampire...but moving on...Disney's camera angels were the best. The shots of the horses made you feel like you could understand them and they were communicating with you. It was easy to fall in love with Big Red. My heart was pumping each time he stepped on the track, and it felt like you were right there with him. It was beautifully directed and filmed. I am still smiling, and I plan to purchase it when it comes out on video. Just an all around great story...A+

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