Monday, October 22, 2018

Movies in Review: "The Old Man and the Gun"

Honestly, I had no desire or interest to see this film. I know this is going to sound horrible, but the reason is because when there is a cast of old actors in a film, that's exactly what it feels like, a cast of OLD ACTORS (having very little life) ...I'm sorry, but ijs. Usually films starring senior actors hasn't received the best reviews, however this one did. I wasn't about to see the newest Halloween installment since I haven't watch the franchise since the first film, so I had time to catch up/watch other things. I decided to see this film mainly because I do respect the cast, and because the reviews were positive. I wasn't expecting much, but the movie was only 1.5hrs. With that running time I could my chances and not really regret the time I lost ~shrugs.

I must say, Redford really went out in style. As his last film before retirement, he really did his thing. He was so easy going and charming on screen, I found myself swooning over his demeanor and style. Geriatric or not, Redford is a hottie...ijs. I can't say I enjoyed the story all that much, but the performances were definitely great. I enjoyed the storyline between him and Sissy Spacek, and him and Casey Affleck the best. Affleck's storyline was a little week, but his screen-times with Redford were wonderful.

I can't say I loved this movie, but Redford and Spacek were exceptional. They were my favorite parts of the film. The rest of the movie kind of had me snoozing, which is bad for a film with such a short running time. Although this movie is based on a true story, the story is intriguing, but seeing it played out on film was a little weak...B-

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