Monday, July 23, 2018

Movies in Review: "Blindspotting"

You ever watch a trailer that captures your attention immediately and doesn't let go. This was that trailer for me. Check out link in case you haven't seen it. This trailer had me smiling and laughing from the start. I'm thinking I'm getting a comedy, but then it flips, and the story is much deeper than that. The trailer gave me chills, and I had an overwhelming interest to see this film. This movie was released with 3 other wide released film, but this was the movie I was looking forward to seeing the most. I knew what to expect from the other films released this weekend, but I was prepared for the unexpected in this film.

In the Urban Dictionary blindspotting is defined as "When a situation or an image can be interpreted in two different ways, but you can only see one of the interpretations. You have a blindspot to the second interpretation." This plays a strong role in this story and will hit your soul, if you have one ~shrugs. I loved the writing in this film, it was filled with a roller-coaster of emotions. You will find yourself captured in the character Collins and hoping he comes out winning. I was on the edge of my seat to the end of the film, and was an emotional wreck when I left, good emotions, but still a wreck. Don't you love when a film can get you that enthralled? I enjoyed the cast performances especially the chemistry between the characters Collin and Miles, who are actually friends and real life who wrote this story together...great job guys.

I wish I could tell you more, but it is a movie you must see for yourself. I can give nothing but the highest praise for this film and tell you it is a must-see. This is by far my favorite film of the year and I plan to see it again. If this film is playing near you, don't doubt me, it is worth seeing...A+

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