Monday, July 31, 2017

Movies in Review: "Atomic Blonde"

I love me some Charlize Theron. So you can just imagine my excitement when I watched the trailer for Atomic Blonde. That trailer is kickass. I was more than excited for the release of this film. Theron is an exceptional actress, and my interest was piqued even further when I found out she did her own action scenes...Wow! I'm all for #GirlPower. I seriously would have bet money that this movie was going to be great...but I would have lost...

Ok...we get it...Charlize is beautiful...This film was so dull. The film focused on shots of Theron's eyes, blonde hair, and walking in that white or black trench coat...Oh Brother! Can someone tell me what the purpose of her putting her collar over her face in the one fight scene? It was so strange. The story was hard to follow, and got even harder to comprehend by the end...Wth! From what I watched in the trailer, I was definitely expecting some high powered action sequences, but this was not the case. It felt like the action scenes were filmed in slow motion, or that each movie was being calculated and counted so the Theron could hit her mark. The action scenes looked like a dance routine that only had about 4 moves...Knee, grunt, punch, and KICK...boring. It all felt contrived ~shrugs.

This was not at all what I was expecting from this film. Atomic Bomb was an atomic mess. If you are interested in just seeing Theron be sexy, then this movie is for you. However if you are looking for a real action flick with power, this one doesn't hit the mark...D+

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