Monday, March 24, 2014

Movies in Review: "Divergent"

If you don't know, when I go to the movies, you can usually find me snapping shots of the latest theatrical posters, which I save in my phone to poster later on my twitter and FB accounts. The Divergent poster however was not stored in my phone because I had no intention of seeing this flick. Unfortunately this weekend wasn't a booming release weekend so between The Muppets (which I also had no interest in seeing) and Divergent, Divergent won. I went into the theater to see this movie with no joy in my heart, I was just there to complete my task for this review.

Uuuuuggghhhh...this movie was sooooooo long with a running time of over 2hrs. It really wasn't necessary for this movie to run this long. It started out pretty interesting enough, and I was vested in the story and characters. But by the end the movie plot really wasn't that deep, and who cares. As a matter of fact, it kind of had a Hunger Games feel, but with no heart. It was missing something to make it something that would leave an impression. I loved the character Tris, but her and Four's story was predictable and boring. Christina played by Zoe Kravitz was actually my favorite character. The pace of the movie was slowed by the extended initiation period the initiates went through. It took up all but 30min of the movie...smh. They could have done a better job with editing this, because it took everything in me not to fall asleep. The character Eric was interesting at first, but as the movie went on, he got more annoying.

This movie may have been a best-selling novel, but it had very little appeal as a blockbuster movie. I have not read the book, and after seeing this movie, I still have no interest. The movie failed with running time, causing the story to drag. If the movie would have been edited by 35min, it might have been more interesting...C

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