Monday, March 2, 2015

Movies in Review: "Focus"

Shame on Will Smith for only starring in a movie every couple of years now...Uuuughhh...the torture! Admittedly Will isn't "Mr. Blockbuster" any longer, but I still enjoy any film starring him that is released. How many of you went to see this movie just because of Smith? I honestly wasn't that intrigued with the trailer, but all intrigued with Smith. I wasn't expecting a blockbuster, just an entertaining performance from Smith...oh...and some eye

What a beautifully filmed movie. It is hard not to immediately get captivated by the scenery, and the lavish attire. Oh and I can't go any further without mentioning how FINE Will Smith looked...Yaaaassss! The story was decent, and moved along smoothly at the beginning, but too many subplots were being introduced, weakening the original storyline. Some may not notice because Smith and Margot Robbie are so charismatic together your attention won't be focused on the potholes in the story.

If the storyline had a little more focus (pun intended) this would have been a great movie. The ending was shallow, but with all of this being said, I still found myself entertained. Believe me you won't notice the mishaps because the entertainment value of this film is on 100. I would recommend seeing it, because it was so much fun, and intriguing to watch...B-

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