Monday, May 19, 2014

Movies in Review: "Million Dollar Arm"

When I watched the trailer for this movie I wasn't overly impressed, and my reaction was...cute. I think what pushed me into the theater was because it is based on a true story (which I enjoy), and co-starred Madhur Mittal (Slum Dog Millionaire) and Suraj Sharma (Life of Pi). I enjoyed these young actors performances in their respective movies and was interested to see what they would do with these roles.

True to form, the movie was There was nothing really exciting about the formula of the story, which was also very predictable, but it still pulled me in. I think this had a lot to do with the great characters in the story. My favorites were Amit, who you can't help to smile at and love, and the other Brenda, who has the coolest personality I have ever seen. Hamm is just a naturally charming actor, so his performance in this didn't stand out, but it also didn't take away from the film. By the end of the movie I was feeling so good an inspired that I gave a homeless man change who came up to my window while I was at a stop light (I never give money to panhandlers...smh). This movie put me in such a good

Keep in mind it's a Disney flick, so is a cute watch for the family. If you want to watch something that may change your mood from negative to positive, I would give this one a go. It was a tad bit long, but is still a decent matinee movie if you want to catch it in the theater...B-

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