Monday, May 12, 2014

Movies in Review: "The Double"

I heard nothing about this movie, not a movie poster, trailer nothing. I came across the title while checking for new movie releases on Fandango. I was a little confused because I had already seen The Double years ago, starring Richard Gere and Topher Grace. However upon further investigation, this was not the spy thriller I had seen, but a black comedy starring Jesse Eisenberg that had the same movie title name...hmmmm... Interesting...I am a building fan of Eisenberg, and so far I have enjoyed most of his roles. However he is the lead in this movie, so I had to see it.

I am a fan of dark comedies, but this one missed me. You ever watch a movie and by credits end you feel dumb as hell. That was me with this one. I didn't get it pretty much at It didn't start so bad. I loved the way it was filmed, the costumes, and writing and directing style, but I'm sure there was a moral of the story that I missed. I will give kudos to Eisenberg who had to play dual characters. He made each character so different that it felt like I was watching two different people with the same face. Partway through the film, it started to have a "Fight Club" kind of story film, but only a very small inkling of it. If someone could tell me what I missed, I think I would feel a lot better about

I know this review won't help you much with your decision to see it, and I'm sorry for that. There were things I enjoyed about it. It was definitely interesting, and dull at the same time (I know, totally doesn't make sense), but I review how a movie makes me feel. This one totally left something unfinished...B-

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