Monday, September 24, 2012

Movies in Review: "House at the End of the Street"

I felt like this movie had a great deal of potential when viewing the trailer. From the trailer, the story seemed interesting enough, and I am a growing fan of Jennifer Lawrence. Knowing that I would be unable to see all new releases this weekend, this movie made the cut.

Like most horror films, the movie started very slow. Jennifer Lawrence was cool, but the story dragged. When the story started to pick up is where it got weird. Well actually no, I take that back. You will think that you've gotten the story figured out early, but when it starts to unravel is when it gets strange. The conclusion will likely have you shaking your head...seriously. How am I really suppose to take this story seriously. There were just  a few too many unanswered questions, like why no one mentioned anything about missing women. I may have already given away too much, and that's not usually my style, but it had to be said...smh.

This movie could have been decent, but it's obvious the writers expected the viewing audience to be idiots...smh. It wasn't the worse horror movie I've seen, but I really can't help but to suck my teeth at the  whole thing. This movie is just ok. If you are a fan of horror flicks, then I'm sure you expect some non-sense and won't find it to be that bad. But if you're like me and expect a comprehensive story, this is your fair warning. This movie had a few thrills, was a bit slow, and didn't wrap up that great...C

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