Monday, May 21, 2012

Movies in Review: "What to Expect When Your Expecting"

I was honestly expecting this movie to be a little more humorous. It had some laughs, but fewer than I expected. It was a cute movie, but I think it may have suffered from a case of cast overload. It had waaaaayyyyy too many characters, who all had different stories. I don't believe each character's story was developed enough, but I guess they wanted to keep the focus on the pregnancies of the characters.

Each character touched on different pregnancy scenarios...the good, the bad, and the ugly. My favorite characters were Elizabeth Banks and Rebel Wilson (Bridesmaids). Honestly if it wasn't for them, the movie wouldn't have been funny at all. The "Men's Group" was cute, but wasn't half as funny as the trailer made them look. Honestly a lot of their jokes fell flat and the only thing keeping their scene alive was Chris Rock's young son, who was hilariously all over the place.

This movie is a chick flick, but there are elements the men will enjoy. Its cute enough to catch a $6 movie, but I recommend you lower your expectations. This movie is cute, unfortunately just not extraordinary...B-

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