Monday, January 2, 2012

Movies in Review: "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close"

Some may find this movie to be extremely heart wrenching, as the material may hit close to home for a lot of people. I enjoyed it for the most part. I however found the young character Oskar to be amusing, but also super annoying. This kid is a little wacky to say the least. He is very smart and particular, and I'm sure by the end of the film you will never want to hear another tambourine...smh.

I wish there was more Hank's, and Bullock, but what there was I enjoyed. I seriously believed Bullock as a grieving widow and mother. There was a great deal of emotion in one scene between her and her son, which I felt was directed well. It just felt real. I liked how they tried to balance out Oskar's character with other great actors/actresses like Jeffrey Wright, Viola Davis, and Max Von Sydow. This movie may prove to be a tear jerker for some as there are real life photos and news reports of what happened Sept 11, 2001. And if that doesn't jerk a tear, then the 6th message on the answering machine will...smh.

The story, and adventure were mediocre to me. I don't think its enough to make you want to relive the events that happened. This is not to say that the movie is bad. It ran a little longer than I felt it needed to. Not a must see...B-

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