Monday, May 16, 2011

Movies in Review: "Priest"

Im guessing Priest was suppose to be the blockbuster this weekend. Too bad it did not live up to expectations...smh. Unfortunately this film was quite disappointing. It wasn't half as exciting as it's trailer. The story was weak, and the film seemed so short, that the story hardly had the time to fully develop as it needed. This is where I felt this film failed miserably. Not to mention the great action scenes you see in the trailer don't look half as interesting in the film. The fight scenes fizzle, and die too quickly. The special effects were just ho-hum. Its a 3D movie, but I just can't see paying the extra cash for this. I must not have been the only one expecting more, as movie goers were sucking their teeth when the credits rolled...I hate to see a movie go out like that. Needless to say, this film was just not intriguing. I'm not recommending you rush to see this one at all...C :/

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