Friday, May 27, 2011

Movies in Review: "Hangover II"

Well reviews are mixed on this one, and I'm about to give you my take on it...I expected the story to be along the same lines as the first one, which I had no problem with as long as they made it unfortunately I can't say that they did :/.

This sequel had the misfortune of releasing waaaaayyyy too many trailers, which gave away too much. So unlike the first movie, there was no element of surprise as to what was going to happen. Most of the funny parts were shown in the trailer. And the first movie had a much better, and more cohesive story. The sequel was kind of all over the place. Some things that were bad...Mr Chow is back in the 2nd, but not even as exciting as he was in the 1st. He was all drugged up in the 2nd, which did nothing for his character but bring it down. The storyline with Paul Giamatti made no kind of sense, and was an abrupt notion. The young actor who played "Teddy" was horrible, and makes the same facial expressions throughout, and he can't deliver a line without sounding like he's reading it...smh. Disliked the "monk" storyline...that was just stupid. Alot of the fun and jokes in the film fell flat, like the awkward scene at the end with "Stew" and his future father in law. U will hear the silence in the theatre, when you know they meant for it to be funny.

But it wasn't a total failure. You will get some laughs. Like the monkey was hilarious, and I wish they would have used more of him. "The Wolfpack" will still make you laugh, especially "Alan" who seems to nail every scene down to his facial expressions. "Phil" is not as funny as in the first, but the other 2 make up for him a little. Their friend "Doug" should have been cut out of every scene in which he was shown in the background. He was putting it on thick with his facial expressions, its kind of distracting. You'll see what I'm talking about.

Anyway not as good as I expected, and I actually left a little disappointed. But I know we are all had pressed to see it, but you may not be making it such a priority now. If you do check it, don't say I didn't warn you. Although I must say that the men will probably get more of a kick out of it than the women, because they have a higher tolerance for stupid ish...I'm just All in all it was just ok. I recommend you wait until it comes out on demand, or DVD, but if it is a must you might not feel so bad paying a matinee price...C-


  1. You didn't like the hangover either...It had some funny patches but it took just a little too long to get going.

    Now I lost it when they came out of the strip club after he found out about the "He-She".

  2. Nah I was disappointed. And I agree, it did take too long to get going. LMAO...I cried when Stew started screaming like a baby after coming out of the strip club...that ish was funny.
