Monday, September 28, 2015

Movies in Review: "Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials"

So anyone who has read my review of the first movie knows that I thought it was just ok. I remember leaving the theater with little excitement about what I watched. However when I watched the trailer for the second installment, The Scorch Trials, I was looking forward to giving this franchise a second chance. My expectations were a bit like the first movie, but even the trailer for this second filmed out-shined the first

I loved this installment far better than the first. This film is getting a lot of flack for plot and character development, and I get the critics point, but the excitement in this movie allowed me to overlook this as a problem. The pace of this movie was faster and packed with more adrenaline pushing actions scenes. Something that the first film was lacking. However, admittedly, if it wasn't for these action scenes the film would have been a flop, because the plot was a bit weak. This installment focuses more on the character Thomas, who I really enjoyed. His co-stars kinda faded in the background in this film, where as in the first movie, everyone had a story and stood out well.

If you watched the first movie and enjoyed it, I definitely think you will find this one to be a step up. There was an adrenaline rush through this film that kept the entertainment value on a high. I know I'm a week late for this review, due to vacation, but if you were wondering if this is worth seeing, I would have to say yes...B+

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