Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Movies in Review: "Hugo"

This movie was suppose to be an adventure, but was less adventure, and instead a total bore...yawn. It seemed that Scorsese tried to make something out of nothing, but failed to do a good job at it. The introduction was almost 10min long, and seemed to "introduce" nothing...smh

The story was not well written at all, and even the dialogue between characters lacked substance. There were events in the story that were not well thought out, for example the accident that happened to Hugo's father...wth. I would have liked to received more detail about that event because in the movie it made no sense. The events following also left me scratching my head. The story was so annoying that I left 20min before the credits started rolling. So I have no idea how it really ended, but there wasn't enough time left to fill in all the unanswered gaps that were left throughout the film. And to make matters worse, this dull action drama is already 2+ hrs long! Uuuuuuggghhhh!

If you're interested in watching an orphan who is pretty handy with tools, and fixes clocks, run around a train station for 2hrs, then be my guest and check this movie out. If you're smart and have read the words that I have written, you will save your money and spend them elsewhere...C-

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