Monday, December 13, 2010

Movies in Review: "I Love You Phillip Morris"

Ummmmm....Hmmmmm...yeah having a hard time with this review because I don't want anyone to feel offended, but I have to give my review the only way I know how...truthfully. This was a comedy drama, but I can't say that I laughed all that much. But I'd have to say that it may have been due to some of the discomfort I was feeling with some of the material. And word is that this film was edited drastically. Now I don't want anyone to get me wrong, the movie was actually really good. Jim Carrey played Steven Jay Russell, the true life story of a homosexual man who was a con artist and a renowned prison escapee. His story was crazy! He was able to con his way in and out of jail, hold prominent positions in well known companies, and even fake his own death. This man did everything! And Carrey did his character absolute justice. Omg...then you add Ewan McGregor (Carrey's love interest) Ewan did such a great job at playing a homosexual man that I don't know if I can ever look at him

Fair warning for my male counterparts (because I couldn't get not one male friend to go see this with me) there is alot of male on male action going on. Alot of kissing...alot of fellatio...ummmmm and one scene where back shots were being given...ummmmm yeah. So females ask your man just how comfortable he would be seeing all of this before you drag him to this movie, and he gets up to get popcorn, and you never see him again...I'm just saying. But the movie was well done so a B+ rating from me ;)


  1. thanks for the review, i watched a bit of this film but didnt enjoy it that much so turned it off, but this rating may make me rewatch it, thanks! :) x
    oh and good blog btw :) x
