Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Movies in Review: "The Commuter"

Another Liam Neeson film huh? It seems that Neeson's latest films are trying to remake the experience and feel of the first Taken film. A film that was amazing, no one saw coming and took everyone by surprise. All his roles after this film seemed to be imitations, and not very good ones. When I watched the trailer for The Commuter, I felt the same way, and wonder why he keeps taking these roles. He's starting to get pigeon holed, and that's not a good thing, especially when he was a decent actor, but now is our geriatric action icon ~shrugs. The trailer for this film was ok, and I could take it or leave it as far as seeing it goes. It just so happens I didn't have much going on and gave it a go. My expectations for this film were about average, perhaps even lower, so how disappointed could I be right?

This film definitely took me a bit by surprise, especially towards the middle of the film. It had very good, but also annoying moments. I enjoyed the plot, although I don't think it played out well in some aspects. Vera Farmiga's character, and whoever she worked for had me shook. I was afraid of what she would do next. The buildup to how far she could reach was great for the movie. However things got a little dull with all the walking back and forth and trying to figure things outs Neeson's character was doing. The action sequences were great, but the reasons, and suspicions failed the film, and then the ending was the nail in the coffin. I was on a high only to have this film fall short on the ending. Are you telling me that's it? All of that for what? What happened to the important people Farmiga's character worked for...meh.

This movie is full of action and thrills, but by the time it ends you will feel like you went through all of this for what? One of the last scenes reminded me of another film that took place on a bus instead of a train. It felt like a great start without a clear view of the light at the end of the tunnel. I hate when movies end like this. To my surprise this film had a great deal of thrilling potential, but succumbed to its faulty script at the end...C-

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