Monday, November 30, 2015

Movies in Review: "The Good Dinosaur" cute was the trailer for this movie when you watched it? Ok...maybe it was just me who smiled with anticipation to see this new Pixar production. Well just me and my kid, who always stopped in his tracks whenever the commercial for this movie would show. He would ask me every week about going to see this movie, and I was ready to put this in the books as another one of our date movies.

The movie was just as cute as I hoped it would be. The animation was absolutely beautiful, the story was cute, and filled with fun and interesting characters. You know a movie is good when it gets your kid I was in the theater and heard a few parents getting some belly laughs in, so there's entertainment for all. The movie was a bit slower than I expected but was definitely funnier than I had anticipated. The character Spot was my favorite, and I loved his and Arlo's bond, which made for a fun adventure home.

This movie rates high on the cute and humor scale. Beautifully animated to keep the little one's entertained too. I enjoyed it and left the theater with a smile on my face. It's not the best Pixar film, but it's definitely one that you'd wanna take the kids to see...B+

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