Monday, June 15, 2015

Movies in Review: "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl"

Ok so I'm thinking many of you haven't heard about this movie, because neither have I. I only came across it because there was only 1 major film being released this weekend, and I wanted to see something outside of the box office hit. So upon my research, I came across this trailer. So what did you think of the trailer? It's definitely my kind of movie. As a matter of fact, after finding this trailer, I found myself more excited to see this than Jurassic World ~Shrugs.

Ok the movie started out a little weird for me, but I think that was my fault. It took me a minute to get in sync with the way the story was being told, but once I found its rhythm, the movie was great. The characters are so captivating and the little quirks in the story only added to its entertainment value, such as the moose and the squirrel. I loved this charming addition to the story. The young actors of the movie aren't well known, but are perfectly cast for their roles, especially the actor playing Earl. This dude is hilarious, and there is something so genuine he brings to this role. Let me not get started on his catch phrase, which never got boring to I could go on and on about each character, because they were all great. This movie definitely isn't lacking in the performance area, or any area for that matter.

The story is touching and one that the youth can relate to, and adults will enjoy. I was intrigued, entertained, and by the time the movie ended, I was an emotional wreck. This isn't like many of the films out today. It is one that is masterfully written, directed, and performed. I'd recommend you urgently put this one on your must see list...A-

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