Monday, December 24, 2018

Moview in Review: "Mary Poppins Returns"

Watching the trailer for Mary Poppins Returns was like seeing a friend you love, but haven't seen in a while, return without aging a bit and their presence immediately brewing up nostalgic childhood It has been more than 40yrs since the original Mary Poppins hit took big screen by storm...and now a sequel, not a reboot? Hmmmmmmm....I didn't really see how I would feel about a sequel made half a decade after its original could give me the feel of the first especially with the lead being cast by Emily Blunt, instead of continuing the sequel with Julie Andrews of the original Mary Poppins. However, I must admit when I watch Blunt in the trailer she made me smile and it felt like Mary Poppins. I was soon ok with the idea that Poppins hasn't aged. I mean it is Poppins of course. I enjoyed the original as anyone else did and was more than looking forward to this long overdue sequel. My expectations were about average, unfortunately this sequel had a great deal to live up to from its predecessor.

Mary Poppins Returns is EVERYTHING! I'm at a loss for words at the beautiful work that was put into this film. The music/songs were wonderful and went perfect with the story. Every song was thought provoking and inspiring. The story was as wonderful and charming as you would expect from this film. I was smiling from ear to ear from what I watched on screen, as the live-action scenes and dance sequences were performed flawlessly. One of my favorite dance sequences was with the oil My favorite musical performance would probably have to go to the scene with Meryl Streep. The costumes and make-up I swooned over, especially the scenes with the characters on the tea pot. I know I've mentioned everything so far except Blunt, but that's because I wanted to save the best for last. Blunt is the glue that holds this show together. Blunt stepped into Julie Andrews shoes flawlessly, while still adding her own charismatic flair. She gave me life!

Needless to say, I was more than pleased with this film. Unlike most sequels, this one does not fail its predecessor. It is a film the whole family will love and enjoy. I walked out of the theater smiling from ear to ear, feeling good about life and inspired. A movie that can do that is a movie I can support and recommend...A!

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