Monday, August 21, 2017

Movies in Review: "Crown Heights"

Crown Heights was brought to my attention by a friend of mine. Besides the trailer I watched on you tube, there wasn't really much marketing for this film, although it did premiere and was praised at the Sundance Film Festival. It's based on the true story of Colin Warner. You guys know I have a thing for true stories, but I also have a thing for Keith Stanfield, the actor who plays Warner. I am a huge fan of Stanfield's performances, and it was great to see him in a lead role. I had to be there to support. I had no doubts he would knock this role out of the box.

As expected, Stanfield was amazing. This man really takes on a role. I don't know Colin Warner personally, but it felt like I was watching Colin Warner. Stanfield's performance was as powerful as this film was. This movie will definitely jolt some emotion for the time that was taken away from Warner and the flaws of our justice system. A very well written and directed film. The line that was the most powerful to me hearing worth say "Please don't let this be a cell" as he's opening his eyes every morning...heartbreaking.

Warner's story represents so many people unjustly locked up in America's prison system, where you are guilty unless you have enough money to pay for a lawyer to "prove" your innocence. What a messed up world we live in right? To all the innocent incarcerated people in Warner's position I pray that the system changes sooner than later. I cannot say enough about this movie. It is a story that needed to be told and definitely a film you need to see...A!

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