Sunday, June 16, 2013

Movies in Review: "Man of Steel"

I am not a fan of the same stories continuously being rebooted, including this one. The first theatrical trailer for this film did not capture my interest at all. As a matter of fact I think I rolled my eyes and said "OMG another Superman movie...smh". However, it was the second theatrical trailer for this film that changed my mind. The newest theatrical trailer looked amazing, and looked like there would be more to the film making it worthy of the reboot. So was it worth

I enjoyed the beginning of the film the best. I loved getting a more in-depth view of Superman's original home and mother and father. Russell Crowe, although his part was small, was amazing. The opening captured my attention, but that soon turned into boredom as the story follows Clark on a quest to find out where he comes from, while we also receive flashbacks of him growing up. I appreciated getting a more in-depth view of the man we call Superman, but this part of the story dragged. Things didn't really pick up until General Zod came back into the picture. Faora was my favorite character, she is Zod's sub-commander, and she is a Bad

I was disappointed to find nothing special about Superman. He seemed no more super than in previous movies, which was a bummer. Once the action got started it didn't stop. However I found little excitement in the action scenes. The action scenes were overpowering and were mostly filled with building being smashed up...boring. I was expecting great action sequences, but the scenes had so much CGI the characters involved in the scenes sometimes looked like cartoon characters. Also any suspense the movie tried to portray, played out less suspenseful and was too melodramatic and predictable. Case in point, the scene with the family at Grande Central Station. Can someone say "RUN FOOLS"!...smh

There were scenes that I enjoyed, but I also found myself dosing off on this movie too. With a running time of 2.5hrs, I would recommend you rest up before seeing this one. There is plenty of action to keep most people entertained, I just happened to find most of those sequences to be underwhelming. Henry Cavill is great to look at as Superman...that's a plus. I was really hoping Man of Steel would be solid, but it had way too many weak spots for me...C+

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