Monday, February 27, 2017

Movies in Review: "Rock Dog"

There was little to no marketing for this animated flick. I came across its theatrical poster months ago, and it didn't really capture my attention as most posters do ~shrug. I stumbled upon its weekend release date when I was searching for new releases that I needed to see, and this one was on the new release list. I think I honestly would have passed on this film if I didn't have a kid. The reviews weren't favorable, and the trailer didn't capture me much, but my kid loves the movie, so any animated film will get my money at this time. I wasn't expecting much from this movie, but from the poor reviews, I was just hoping my kid wouldn't be bored to death.

This movie was way better than I had anticipated it to be, especially for my kid, who is 4. I've never seen my son so active in a movie. He was excited about the film, often standing up, dancing, or letting me know what was happening...because I had fallen asleep here and I can see why the ratings for it have been mediocre. This animation isn't enough to keep someone like myself as interested as it did my son. I thought the film was cute, had some fun characters, but was nothing exceptional. Basically this one is strictly for the younger crowd, and anyone older than 5 might not enjoy it as much as the younger ones ~shrugs.

I can't say that I disliked the film, I thought it was cute. The best part about the movie was watching my son get into it, and clap at the end when the credits rolled (something I don’t often see him do). When we got home he was able to tell me what he liked and disliked about the film and we were singing the finale song which dancing out of the theater...good times. So although the film wasn't good enough to appease my adult entertainment appetite, the joy it gave my son is enough for me to give it a B!

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