From the gate this movie was in full motion. There was no warm-up, no-prep...From the gate Avengers go! I loved this opening, and it set the pace for the rest of the movie. All our favorite Avengers were in full effect with their comedic taunting (Did Cap just say language?)...lol...hilarious. Does anyone think Black Widow is the ish!? They were right on point choosing Scarlett Johansson for this role.
I didn't think they could improve on the first Avenger movie...but they did. I was so surprised at how much I enjoyed the story. I know a few elements were changed from the original comic book series, but I think they dotted each I and crossed every T to have this movie make sense. There were so many intricate pieces to the story that all came together in the end. What I enjoyed most is that the story got more in-depth with some of the Avengers personal stories, like Hawkeye. Hawkeye got a little more screen time in this film, and it was all worth it. This movie was an action paradise. There was never a dull moment. Oh... shout out to Beats by Dre for the ill product placement...Nice!
I could go on and on about this movie. I loved the introduction of new characters, although the actor who played Quicksilver wasn't really my favorite. Ultron was amazing. I loved how Ultron's facial expressions looked exactly like James Spader. I was so intrigued with Ultron. However my favorite new character was definitely Vision (played by Paul Bettany), which is weird because I'm not the biggest Bettany fan, but he was wonderful as Vision. Was anyone as drawn into Vision's costume/make-up?...Wow! Very well done...
Like I said, I could go on and on...This movie was worth 2.5 hrs, and worth the extra money I spent to see it in IMAX. This is definitely one of the best movie released this year, and one you don't want to miss...A+!
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