Monday, July 22, 2013

Movies in Review: (INDEPENDENT) "Fruitvale Station"

I saw think I first saw the trailer for this movie 2 weeks before it was released. I enjoy movies that are based on real stories and I was happy to see Michael B. Jordan in a lead role, so my radar was on the watch for it's release date. I must say that I was very naive about whose story this movie was telling. I found myself coming across and article that mentioned Oscar Grant, the young man the story was based. After then doing some research, I became very interested to see how first timer Ryan Coogler would tell this story.

All I have to say is Coogler deserves all the recognition and praise he has got from this movie. This is honestly one of the best stories I have ever seen Coogler wrote and directed it so that we see Oscar in one 24hr period before the event at Fruitvale station. The acting and directing were so on point that it felt like you were watching the real people instead of characters. Michael B. Jordan WAS Oscar Grant to me. It felt like Grant had been reincarnated. The best thing Coogler did with this movie was to get us involved and attached to the relation between Grant and his daughter, Grant and his mother, and Grant and his girlfriend. By movies end you will find yourself feeling like you also have a personal connection to Oscar Grant.

Everything about the direction has a subtle feel, but makes a huge impact. The Fruitvale Station scene will have you in awe and on the edge of your seat, and will pluck every heart string in your body. I hope this is playing in your area when it is widely released on July 26, because it is a definite MUST SEE. Just a warning, please don't go in already angry, and ladies, bring the tissue...A+

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