Monday, June 18, 2018

Movies in Review: "Incredibles 2"

I literally spit my drink out when I first saw the trailer for Incredibles 2. My skin tingled with excitement as a huge smile came across my face. At first, I thought it was a joke, and I still didn't believe it when the teaser trailer finished. It wasn't until I saw the trailer a few more times that I began to come to terms that this wasn't a sick joke Pixar was playing on This has to me the most anticipated movie of the year. I've been waiting for this sequel for 14yrs. Can you believe that? 14 years!? Most of the kids in the theater weren't even born when the original was released, but there were more than enough adults that were still holding on to that original film anticipating the follow-up release. With that much time to make this film happen my expectations were on another level for this sequel. Pixar had a great deal to live up to. Outdoing the original may be hard to live up to, but I expected this sequel to at least come close.

I know most walked out of the theater overjoyed and loved the sequel...I didn't. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate it, but all I was thinking was I waited 14yrs for this ~shrugs. The movie was cool, but not worth all the hype put behind it. There was something less appealing about Elastigirl's storyline in this film. It was seriously boring, including the villain. There were a number of other supers introduced, which took away screen time from the family. I could have used seeing more of Mr. Incredible and his kids. All Violet's character did was whine, and it only felt like Dash was on-screen for 10min...ijs. However, the film wasn't a totally loss thanks to Jack Jack. This baby kept this film from being a major disappointment. My favorite scenes were every scene he was in especially the scene with the raccoon. I'm still laughing at the thought of Edna is another one of my favorites and I wish her, and the Incredibles had a closer working relationship so that she would have a bigger part in the story.

The sequel could have missed me with all the extra supers. There were too many new characters and not enough of the ones we love. The movie seemed a lot longer than it needed to be, but thanks to Jack Jack, you will feel like maybe your time wasn't totally wasted. I didn't hate this movie, but unlike the first, I'm not looking for another...B-

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