Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Movies in Review: "The Shape of Water"

Ok so I only saw the trailer for this film once, and once was enough to let me know I had no interest in seeing this film. I seriously thought the trailer was super weird. The only thing that kept me even a little bit interested in this film was that Octavia Spencer co-starred in it. However I still wasn't checking for it or its release. It wasn't until 2 of my blog supporters reached out to me about whether I had planned to write a review. I was going to pass, but then I started hearing all the buzz surrounding this film, with critical acclaim from critics and several Golden Globe nominations. Perhaps I was missing something? Needless to say, I didn't want to miss out on something great, and decided to take my chance.

Ummmmm...Wth...Not quite sure what all the critical acclaim is about. I mean this movie has great visual appeal and I also very much enjoyed Sally Hawkins performance (which does deserve and nomination), but for the rest of it...come one. You have got to be kidding me with all the buzz surrounding this flick. I felt like I was watching a love story between a human and a Mutant, except this love story was more bizarre. Clearly people were feeling the same way I did. I was in a sold out theater and by the end of the film no one was clapping. All seemed to wondering what the hell we just watched. I cannot contain myself. Best film of the year? GTFOH...to who? Felt like the time critics were raving about The Tree of Life and audiences were walking out on the film. I mean don't get me wrong, it wasn't as bad as that film, I'm just confused about all the award nominations. For the most part it was a decent film, with excellent performances, but also a little weird for my taste.

I know by my review it would see that this film was horrible, not the case at all. Not a bad movie, but if this is considered a masterpiece I will stop watching movies now. This movie was decent and fell in line with what I like about a decent movie. I honestly enjoyed the beginning of the film more than the latter, where I kept looking at the screen trying to get myself to understand what was happening...ijs. You can see it if you want, I'd be interested to know what you think...B-

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