Monday, September 25, 2017

Movies in Review: "Ninjago"

So I've been a huge fan of this franchise since the first Lego movie was released in 2014. The original film was innovative, fun, entertaining and great to watch. All of these characteristics were carried over in the 2nd film, which focused on Batman and had its own flavor, but was still a pleasure to watch. So my excitement for this 3rd installment was on a high when I watched the trailer for Ninjago. I love me some Dave Franco, and I enjoyed the trailer enough to feel this movie would be another winner.

Imagine my disappointment when I walked out of the theater. This movie was decent, but unfortunately not a This movie had so much potential but was far too sappy and sad that it brought the movie down. Far less upbeat than the previous films. Even my son noticed, asking "why is this movie so boring?", wanting to see more action. I felt the same way...The humor was ok, but nothing like the first 2 films. Even the story was weaker and felt a little all over the place. I found myself dozing off on this one more than once...smh.

Ninjago could have used a kick of humor and fun. It took a more emotional route that failed it miserably. It's cute, and my kid said he enjoyed it, but I saw him staring at the screen with a blank stare far too much. Not the worst movie, but definitely the worst installment for this franchise...C-

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