Monday, April 3, 2017

Movies in Review: "The Boss Baby"

Can I tell you how much I was looking forward to seeing this movie? The trailer had me at the word "baby"...Lol. I have a thing for animated films about babies and pets. They account for some of the cutest films for me, putting Boss Baby on my must see list. I thought the trailer was so cute, fun and entertaining. Not to mention Alec Baldwin's voice cast as the Boss Baby. It took a little convincing to get my little man on board to see this one. He wasn't too keen on the baby sounding like a grown man thing. He thought it was a little weird. However after watching the trailer a few more times, he was just as stoked about seeing it as I was.

The feeling I had about this movie after it ended was so unexpected. This film is nowhere near as cute and entertaining as the trailer made it appear. The animation was good, but the humor was ho-hum at best. Not to mention the story was all over the place and it lacked a good moral/lesson that I'm used to getting by the end of these films. Halfway through, even my kid asked if we could leave, he was not feeling it. I could tell he was having a hard time with that baby sounding like a grown the story wasn't the easiest for him to follow especially when the character Tim's imagination scenes were injected at weird times ~shrugs.

I was seriously hoping this movie would be better, but I found myself annoyed that I got up so early to see this movie (because all the evening shows were sold out) and could have been sleep. I've heard friends say their kids walked out of the theater loving it, but that wasn't the case for me and mine. I wish I could get my $16 and 2hrs back and spend them elsewhere...Ugh!...DCan I tell you how much I was looking forward to seeing this movie? The trailer had me at the word "baby"...Lol. I have a thing for animated films about babies and pets. They account for some of the cutest films for me, putting Boss Baby on my must see list. I thought the trailer was so cute, fun and entertaining. Not to mention Alec Baldwin's voice cast as the Boss Baby. It took a little convincing to get my little man on board to see this one. He wasn't too keen on the baby sounding like a grown man thing. He thought it was a little weird. However after watching the trailer a few more times, he was just as stoked about seeing it as I was.

The feeling I had about this movie after it ended was so unexpected. This film is nowhere near as cute and entertaining as the trailer made it appear. The animation was good, but the humor was ho-hum at best. Not to mention the story was all over the place and it lacked a good moral/lesson that I'm used to getting by the end of these films. Halfway through, even my kid asked if we could leave, he was not feeling it. I could tell he was having a hard time with that baby sounding like a grown the story wasn't the easiest for him to follow especially when the character Tim's imagination scenes were injected at weird times ~shrugs.

I was seriously hoping this movie would be better, but I found myself annoyed that I got up so early to see this movie (because all the evening shows were sold out) and could have been sleep. I've heard friends say their kids walked out of the theater loving it, but that wasn't the case for me and mine. I wish I could get my $16 and 2hrs back and spend them elsewhere...Ugh!...D

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