Monday, June 13, 2016

Movies in Review: "King Jack"

Ok so I know many of you haven't even heard of this film. I hadn't heard of it either, until I was looking for another movie to see after I had decided I would take a pass on Warcraft. Warcraft was a big hit at the box office this weekend, but there was something about that movie that didn't appeal to me...Oh was Paula But anyway, in my search I came across King Jack, which received a super fresh rating from Rotten Tomatoes (not that that matters that much to me), so I checked out the trailer and decided to give it a go. Unfortunately this review will mean nothing to most of you, because this film likely won't be playing in your area, since it was only playing at 1 theater near me. But since I watched it, I will review it...

Sometimes I have to give Rotten Tomatoes a side eye...smh. 96% Fresh rating? I mean, not to say that anything was wrong with the movie, but I can understand why it's only playing in 1 theater. There was nothing super exceptional about it. I was hoping to feel something about the characters, or even the story, but I seriously left the theater feeling nothing...thinking...okay???? This will likely be one of my most least in-depth reviews because this movie was about a teenage boy doing teenage boy ish ~shrugs. At least that's how I left the theater feeling. It wasn't a bad movie, but definitely one I would have felt worth my time watching at home on the couch falling asleep to...ijs. 96% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes and I left the theater like "that's was it?". This is why I don't trust "critics". They seem to be far less in tune with what really appeals to

I really don't have much to say about this one, except it wasn't bad, but it felt irrelevant ~shrugs. The story was ok, but doesn't do much to draw you in. Watching teenagers do dumb ish, isn't really one of my favorite past times, so I didn't really get much from this one...B-

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