Monday, January 12, 2015

Movies in Review: "Taken 3"

People really don't know how to let a good thing go. This franchise was already tainted with the release of Taken 2. Now the nonsense continues with this unnecessary third installment...smh. I had very low expectations for this third film, but I went to see it because I had already suffered through 2, and I needed 3 to give me closer. I know I'm not the only one who felt this's weird because this last movie didn't follow the previous 2. It was kind of like a different movie, with the same name. Here's what was weird. We all met Neeson's ex-wife's husband "Stuart" in part 1. He was a really nice businessman. Well Stuart in part 3 looks like he works for the Russian Mob, and the story was centered around him...this made no sense. The movie is called Taken, but no one actually got kidnapped in this installment...weird. Honestly if this movie stood alone, perhaps with a different movie title name, it would have made for a better film, but for this franchise it made little sense. The action sequences were so iffy, mostly a chaotic mess, with Neeson barely scratched. What I did enjoy about the movie was the addition of Forest Whitaker, and I liked that they used Neeson's friends from the first movie in this one more. Neeson has fallen down the black hole of being the action heroin. A path that has ruined many careers...including his own...smh.

If you don't try to over think what's going on, you will enjoy it better. If you don't look at it as the third movie of the Taken franchise, you will also enjoy it a lot more. I liked it more than I thought I would, but it I wouldn't recommend you pay for this one. Sneak into it, rent it, and let's all hope to never see another Taken film...C-

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