Monday, June 9, 2014

Movies in Review: "Edge of Tomorrow"

I remember how excited I use to get for a new Tom Cruise movie, today, not so much. When I watched the trailer for this new movie I was intrigued, but that had a lot more to do with the trailer soundtrack than the movie itself...smh. This is not to say that I thought the movie looked bad, but the music for the trailer had me in a As I watched the trailer more and more, my interests grew. However I was a little apprehensive about the story line because it looked to be reminiscent of the film "Source Code" (which I loved). I was hoping Edge of Tomorrow would be was...

This is an action packed movie. It starts out a bit slow, but quickly picks up the pace. My advice is that you hold on for the ride. I was pleased with the way the story played out, for the most part. There were parts that were a little meh (like the ending), but there is so much going on, you may not notice or care. I don't know about you, but repeating the same day over and over for an entire movie can get a little annoying, but the writing and direction for this film helped to keep the story moving along, although it was the same day on repeat. The humor helped to keep the story fun and interesting, but the action scenes will blow your mind. Those "mimics" are nothing to play with...Wow! Tom Cruise is a sure-fire hit in this one. He looked like the Cruise of old. Emily Blunt did her thing too. She played the kick-ass tough girl well.

All I can say is buckle up and get ready for an exhausting, bumpy ride. They fudged the ending up, but the meat and potatoes of the story was fun to watch. This one lived up to most of the  hype...B+

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