Monday, April 7, 2014

Movies in Review: "Frankie & Alice"

It's about time this movie was wide released. I felt like I had seen the trailer years ago when the trailer came on for a movie I was seeing last week...and I did. The movie finished in 2010 and I had anticipated its release. I love Haile Berry, but her roles/characters have been hit or miss with me, although I have seen more hits out of her as of late. I was expecting another hit when I saw the trailer. was a hit for Berry, but no so much for the movie. This is definitely an interesting true story, that could have been a great movie...but it wasn't, and that was of no fault to Berry who put in one of the best performances I have seen from her. The movie however was felt like it had a few holes, missed a few steps. It was like watching a stop with blank spots where more detail should have been added. For example when "Alice" showed up at Paige's wedding, there felt like there should have been more detail to that scene. This is basically how most of the movie went, lacking in detail. However Berry did a bang up job playing her 3 characters Frankie/Alice/Genius. Her transformations were superb and I enjoyed noticing a difference in the alter egos personalities. To bad the direction for this movie did not fit the performance from Berry, or this would have been a major hit.

I was expecting more from this movie, although I got way more than I expected from Berry. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate it, because I would see it again just for Berry's performance. It's decent enough to rent, mainly for Berry. I honestly would have given this movie a lower grade, but I really enjoyed Berry too much to do that...B-

1 comment:

  1. Wide release? Never heard of it until now. Thank you!
